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ATA NRG Root-C orgaaninen ravinne nopeaan ja voimakkaaseen juurtenkasvuun.

Saa juuresi kasvamaan kookkaimmiksi. mitä suuremmat juuret sitä parempi kukinto ja isompi sato.

1-5 ml per litra ravintoaineliuosta.

• Tervet juuret
• Kasvisi saa paremmin ravintoa
• Estää tauteja

A healthy root system is a significant contributor to a well-developed and strong plant. The stronger the development of root system during the initial growing phase, the stronger the plant will become. The root hairs absorb nutrients from the substrate, so more root hairs means more nutrient uptake. 

To make this possible, ATA NRG Root-C ensures a rapid and vigorous growth of the root system. 

The roots will quickly branch out and particularly the root volume will increase, giving the plant more hold and its size above ground will increase. Also, a plant with a well-developed and well-anchored root system can bear more flowers and fruits in the final stage, which eventually will result in a better harvest!

Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like potatoes and sweet potatoes. It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g., Chrysanthemum, Tulips, Muscari)

9.50 - 40.00€ sis. alv
Lisää ostoskoriin

ATA NRG Root-C orgaaninen ravinne nopeaan ja voimakkaaseen juurtenkasvuun.

Saa juuresi kasvamaan kookkaimmiksi. mitä suuremmat juuret sitä parempi kukinto ja isompi sato.

1-5 ml per litra ravintoaineliuosta.

• Tervet juuret
• Kasvisi saa paremmin ravintoa
• Estää tauteja

A healthy root system is a significant contributor to a well-developed and strong plant. The stronger the development of root system during the initial growing phase, the stronger the plant will become. The root hairs absorb nutrients from the substrate, so more root hairs means more nutrient uptake. 

To make this possible, ATA NRG Root-C ensures a rapid and vigorous growth of the root system. 

The roots will quickly branch out and particularly the root volume will increase, giving the plant more hold and its size above ground will increase. Also, a plant with a well-developed and well-anchored root system can bear more flowers and fruits in the final stage, which eventually will result in a better harvest!

Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like potatoes and sweet potatoes. It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g., Chrysanthemum, Tulips, Muscari)

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