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Carolina Reaper Brown siemen 5kpl

Carolina Reaper Brown siemen 5kpl

Carolina Reaper on äänestetty vuonna 2013 maailman tulisimmaksi Chiliksi.

Yli 1.5miljoonaa scovillea kertoo lajikkeen tulisuudesta ja tätä ei todellakaan suositella herkille.

Carolina Reaper Brown Chili Seeds

Information: From November 2013 to 2023, the Carolina Reaper (Red) held the world record for the hottest chilli.
hottest chilli, here in the brown variety. The variety was cultivated by chili farmer Ed Currie from the PuckerButt Pepper Company in South Carolina (USA). The name is a reference to the personification of death, the Grim Reaper, and the Carolina Reaper really is fatally hot. Even chili lovers are advised not to eat a whole pepper at once (the breeder also advises only eating them in the presence of another adult). People who are unused to eating hot chilies should not attempt to try it.
The average spice rating tested by the Chile Pepper Institute was 1,569,300 Scoville heat units, while individual specimens reached up to an incredible 2.2 million SHU.

The plant has a bushy growth form and grows up to 90cm tall. The fruits ripen from green to chocolate brown, developing a very prominent pointed spike and an uneven surface. They have an aromatic fruity-sweet flavour with nnotes of chocolate-cherry and a hint of citrus and of course, they are extremely hot. They are almost too hot to be eaten on their own, however they can be dried, pickled, frozen or used to make chili sauces.

Care: Germination temperature is between 24°C and 30°C (germination period: 10-20 days); it is therefore recommended to use a greenhouse and a heating mat is recommended. The plants need fresh, well-fertilised, permeable soil, and do not tolerate waterlogging. They should be planted in a sunny, protected place with at least 6 hours of sunlight - preferably more. As the plants have a particularly long maturation period, it is recommended to grow them in a pot, so that you can easily bring the plant inside when the temperature falls below 12°C during the day, allowing all the fruits to ripen. To keep the plant over the winter, cut it back by 20cm after harvesting and place in a light place where it is at least 15°C.

You can find plenty of useful tips for successfully growing chili plants in our Chili Cultivation Instructions and in the Chili Diary.

As of spring 2015, we also offer a wide range of pre-grown chili plants, including the Carolina Reaper Chili: Buy chili plants.

TypeCapsicum chinense
Contents10 seeds
Spice level10+++
ScovilleAverage 1,569,300 SHU, up to 2.2 million SHU
Optimum germinating temperature24 - 30 °C
SeedingDec - Apr
FlowersWhite (Jun - Aug)
Growth habitBushy, 75-90cm tall
MaturationFrom green to chocolate brown
Fruit`s appearanceLantern-shaped, pointed tip, approx. 3 x 6cm
Maturation periodApprox. 120 days

How to use

Due to its extreme spicy heat, the Carolina Reaper is poorly suited to being eaten by itself. The classic preservation methods are drying, pickling or freezing. In addition to this, you can also use your hot harvest to make your own chili sauces. You can find the recipe for a chili sauce here that is inspired by the classic McIlhenny tabasco sauce, but worlds apart in terms of spicy heat.

Warning regarding spiciness

Always wear gloves when handling the chili peppers. Keep out of reach of children and people with a spice intolerance.

  Äänekoski/Nettikauppa   (11)

  Myymälä Oulu   (2)

5.00€ sis. alv
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Carolina Reaper on äänestetty vuonna 2013 maailman tulisimmaksi Chiliksi.

Yli 1.5miljoonaa scovillea kertoo lajikkeen tulisuudesta ja tätä ei todellakaan suositella herkille.

Carolina Reaper Brown Chili Seeds

Information: From November 2013 to 2023, the Carolina Reaper (Red) held the world record for the hottest chilli.
hottest chilli, here in the brown variety. The variety was cultivated by chili farmer Ed Currie from the PuckerButt Pepper Company in South Carolina (USA). The name is a reference to the personification of death, the Grim Reaper, and the Carolina Reaper really is fatally hot. Even chili lovers are advised not to eat a whole pepper at once (the breeder also advises only eating them in the presence of another adult). People who are unused to eating hot chilies should not attempt to try it.
The average spice rating tested by the Chile Pepper Institute was 1,569,300 Scoville heat units, while individual specimens reached up to an incredible 2.2 million SHU.

The plant has a bushy growth form and grows up to 90cm tall. The fruits ripen from green to chocolate brown, developing a very prominent pointed spike and an uneven surface. They have an aromatic fruity-sweet flavour with nnotes of chocolate-cherry and a hint of citrus and of course, they are extremely hot. They are almost too hot to be eaten on their own, however they can be dried, pickled, frozen or used to make chili sauces.

Care: Germination temperature is between 24°C and 30°C (germination period: 10-20 days); it is therefore recommended to use a greenhouse and a heating mat is recommended. The plants need fresh, well-fertilised, permeable soil, and do not tolerate waterlogging. They should be planted in a sunny, protected place with at least 6 hours of sunlight - preferably more. As the plants have a particularly long maturation period, it is recommended to grow them in a pot, so that you can easily bring the plant inside when the temperature falls below 12°C during the day, allowing all the fruits to ripen. To keep the plant over the winter, cut it back by 20cm after harvesting and place in a light place where it is at least 15°C.

You can find plenty of useful tips for successfully growing chili plants in our Chili Cultivation Instructions and in the Chili Diary.

As of spring 2015, we also offer a wide range of pre-grown chili plants, including the Carolina Reaper Chili: Buy chili plants.

TypeCapsicum chinense
Contents10 seeds
Spice level10+++
ScovilleAverage 1,569,300 SHU, up to 2.2 million SHU
Optimum germinating temperature24 - 30 °C
SeedingDec - Apr
FlowersWhite (Jun - Aug)
Growth habitBushy, 75-90cm tall
MaturationFrom green to chocolate brown
Fruit`s appearanceLantern-shaped, pointed tip, approx. 3 x 6cm
Maturation periodApprox. 120 days

How to use

Due to its extreme spicy heat, the Carolina Reaper is poorly suited to being eaten by itself. The classic preservation methods are drying, pickling or freezing. In addition to this, you can also use your hot harvest to make your own chili sauces. You can find the recipe for a chili sauce here that is inspired by the classic McIlhenny tabasco sauce, but worlds apart in terms of spicy heat.

Warning regarding spiciness

Always wear gloves when handling the chili peppers. Keep out of reach of children and people with a spice intolerance.

15 1

Kasvoi isoksi viherkasviksi ja tuottaa paljon kukkia, muttei yhtään chilia. Kukat vain kuivuvat ja putoavat. Ei vastaa kuvausta.

Hei Andrei,

Pahoittelen tilannetta, mutta eihän tämä nyt siemenen vika oikein voi olla.
Olemme itse noita kasvatelleet menestyneesti ja jos kukat tippuvat, ettei ne lähde kasvamaan niin se johtuu siitä että ette ole sitten pölyttäneet kasvia riittävästi.
Chilit tarvitsevat pölytyksen eli ravistelemalla kasvia säännöllisesti kukinnan aikana.

Kyseisiä siemeniä ollaan myyty reilu pari sataa ja tämä on ensimmäinen reklamaatio, joten ei vielä tässä vaiheessa epäillä siemenien laatua.
Jos ne itävät ja kasvavat normaalisti, niin loppu kukinnon ja sadon saanti on sitten asiakkaan kokemuksesta kiinni.
Andrei Miasnikov
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