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HY-Pro Hydro A+B (vesi) 500ml - 10L

HY-Pro Hydro A+B (vesi) 500ml - 10L


Tämä laadukas ravinne-sarja, tarjoaa monia etuja, annostelun jälkeen se ei uppoa pohjalle, joten et tarvitse kiertovesipumppua sekoittamaan liuosta. pH:n ja EC arvot pysyvät tasaisena.
Tämä on tärkeää sillä vaihtelut saattaa vaikuttaa kasvin ravinteiden vastaanottokykyyn, jonka näkee kasvin ulkönäöstä.

Soveltuu kaikille maaperille.

Parhaan tuloksen saat kun sekoitat 5ml Hydro A 1L vettä. Sekoituksen jälkeen lisää 5ml Hydro B ja sekoita uudestaan. Käytä aina Hydro A ja B yhtäaikaa ja yhtäpaljon. Lisää Hydro A&B jokaisella kastelukerralla.

Sekoita hyvin ja tarkista EC, EC arvo pitäisi vesiviljelyssä olla 1.4 ja 2.2 välillä. Lisää vettä jos EC on liian korkea

Viimeiseksi tarkista pH arvo, pH arvon pitäisi olla 5.5 ja 6.0 välillä. Jos pH on liian korkea voitte alentaa sitä käyttämällä HY-PRO:n pH-

Käytä aina taulukon mukaista ohjetta.


Most breeding grounds contain insufficient feeding substances and trace elements. Both factors are important for plants to reach exuberant grow and flowering. The feeding substances that HY-PRO uses, have been composed in such a way that all decorative plants will react optimally under all kinds of circumstances. A good example is the two component nutrition HY-DRO A/B. The components complete each other in this most optimal fertilizer for hydro culture.

Acidity and salt

This high-quality product offers many additional advantages, once mixed the solution will not sink to the bottom, so there is no circulation pump needed to mix the fluid. Fluctuations in pH – and EC-values (acidity and salt concentrations) will not occur. This is essential for plants because fluctuations can influence the amount of nutrition that plants consume, which you can see in their appearance.


Hydro culture offers several advantages compared with cultivating on commonpotting soil. For example, in offices hydro culture is a non-intensive and time-saving solution.The advantages are:
  • a longer life span for plants;
  • no acidification of the ground, simple fertilisation;
  • always sufficient air humidity;
  • all common decorative plants grow well on hydro culture.


HY-DRO A/B can be administered from the second week of the flowering period of a plant, preferably followed by the use of Rootsdefender. We recommend mixing in the proportion of 1:200. This means 5 ml. (1 tsp) per litre water.

Most breeding grounds contain insufficient feeding substances and trace elements. Both factors are important for plants to reach exuberant grow and flowering. The feeding substances that HY-PRO uses, have been composed in such a way that all decorative plants will react optimally under all kinds of circumstances. A good example is the two component nutrition HY-DRO A/B. The components complete each other in this most optimal fertilizer for hydro culture.


Acidity and salt

This high-quality product offers many additional advantages, once mixed the solution will not sink to the bottom, so there is no circulation pump needed to mix the fluid. Fluctuations in pH – and EC-values (acidity and salt concentrations) will not occur. This is essential for plants because fluctuations can influence the amount of nutrition that plants consume, which you can see in their appearance.


Hydro culture offers several advantages compared with cultivating on commonpotting soil. For example, in offices hydro culture is a non-intensive and time-saving solution.

The advantages are:

  • a longer life span for plants;
  • no acidification of the ground, simple fertilisation;
  • always sufficient air humidity;
  • all common decorative plants grow well on hydro culture.


HY-DRO A/B can be administered from the second week of the flowering period of a plant, preferably followed by the use of Rootsdefender. We recommend mixing in the proportion of 1:200. This means 5 ml. (1 tsp) per litre water.


8.50 - 50.00€ sis. alv
Lisää ostoskoriin


Tämä laadukas ravinne-sarja, tarjoaa monia etuja, annostelun jälkeen se ei uppoa pohjalle, joten et tarvitse kiertovesipumppua sekoittamaan liuosta. pH:n ja EC arvot pysyvät tasaisena.
Tämä on tärkeää sillä vaihtelut saattaa vaikuttaa kasvin ravinteiden vastaanottokykyyn, jonka näkee kasvin ulkönäöstä.

Soveltuu kaikille maaperille.

Parhaan tuloksen saat kun sekoitat 5ml Hydro A 1L vettä. Sekoituksen jälkeen lisää 5ml Hydro B ja sekoita uudestaan. Käytä aina Hydro A ja B yhtäaikaa ja yhtäpaljon. Lisää Hydro A&B jokaisella kastelukerralla.

Sekoita hyvin ja tarkista EC, EC arvo pitäisi vesiviljelyssä olla 1.4 ja 2.2 välillä. Lisää vettä jos EC on liian korkea

Viimeiseksi tarkista pH arvo, pH arvon pitäisi olla 5.5 ja 6.0 välillä. Jos pH on liian korkea voitte alentaa sitä käyttämällä HY-PRO:n pH-

Käytä aina taulukon mukaista ohjetta.


Most breeding grounds contain insufficient feeding substances and trace elements. Both factors are important for plants to reach exuberant grow and flowering. The feeding substances that HY-PRO uses, have been composed in such a way that all decorative plants will react optimally under all kinds of circumstances. A good example is the two component nutrition HY-DRO A/B. The components complete each other in this most optimal fertilizer for hydro culture.

Acidity and salt

This high-quality product offers many additional advantages, once mixed the solution will not sink to the bottom, so there is no circulation pump needed to mix the fluid. Fluctuations in pH – and EC-values (acidity and salt concentrations) will not occur. This is essential for plants because fluctuations can influence the amount of nutrition that plants consume, which you can see in their appearance.


Hydro culture offers several advantages compared with cultivating on commonpotting soil. For example, in offices hydro culture is a non-intensive and time-saving solution.The advantages are:
  • a longer life span for plants;
  • no acidification of the ground, simple fertilisation;
  • always sufficient air humidity;
  • all common decorative plants grow well on hydro culture.


HY-DRO A/B can be administered from the second week of the flowering period of a plant, preferably followed by the use of Rootsdefender. We recommend mixing in the proportion of 1:200. This means 5 ml. (1 tsp) per litre water.

Most breeding grounds contain insufficient feeding substances and trace elements. Both factors are important for plants to reach exuberant grow and flowering. The feeding substances that HY-PRO uses, have been composed in such a way that all decorative plants will react optimally under all kinds of circumstances. A good example is the two component nutrition HY-DRO A/B. The components complete each other in this most optimal fertilizer for hydro culture.


Acidity and salt

This high-quality product offers many additional advantages, once mixed the solution will not sink to the bottom, so there is no circulation pump needed to mix the fluid. Fluctuations in pH – and EC-values (acidity and salt concentrations) will not occur. This is essential for plants because fluctuations can influence the amount of nutrition that plants consume, which you can see in their appearance.


Hydro culture offers several advantages compared with cultivating on commonpotting soil. For example, in offices hydro culture is a non-intensive and time-saving solution.

The advantages are:

  • a longer life span for plants;
  • no acidification of the ground, simple fertilisation;
  • always sufficient air humidity;
  • all common decorative plants grow well on hydro culture.


HY-DRO A/B can be administered from the second week of the flowering period of a plant, preferably followed by the use of Rootsdefender. We recommend mixing in the proportion of 1:200. This means 5 ml. (1 tsp) per litre water.


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