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Plagron Alga Bloom 5L

Plagron Alga Bloom 5L

Algae-based nutrient for the flowering phase.

Product information
Alga Bloom is a basic plant nutrient that was created especially for soil-based cultivation. Alga Bloom is used during the plant’s flowering phase. This fertiliser, which is based on algae, aids in establishing healthy, sound plants that flower profusely.

Dosage and use

Shake well before use.
Add a maximum of 4 ml Alga Bloom per 1 liter of water (1:250). Use this solution each time the plants are irrigated during the flowering phase. For tailor-made advice, check our online Grow Schedule Calculator.

ATTENTION: This nutrient is not suitable for hydroponic growing systems. If you use an irrigation system, flush the pipes after use.


NPK fertiliser (3-2-5).

Annostelu 10Litraa vettä kohden:

  Äänekoski/Nettikauppa   (0)

  Myymälä Oulu   (0)

38.00€ 76.00€ sis. alv
Lisää ostoskoriin

Algae-based nutrient for the flowering phase.

Product information
Alga Bloom is a basic plant nutrient that was created especially for soil-based cultivation. Alga Bloom is used during the plant’s flowering phase. This fertiliser, which is based on algae, aids in establishing healthy, sound plants that flower profusely.

Dosage and use

Shake well before use.
Add a maximum of 4 ml Alga Bloom per 1 liter of water (1:250). Use this solution each time the plants are irrigated during the flowering phase. For tailor-made advice, check our online Grow Schedule Calculator.

ATTENTION: This nutrient is not suitable for hydroponic growing systems. If you use an irrigation system, flush the pipes after use.


NPK fertiliser (3-2-5).

Annostelu 10Litraa vettä kohden:

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