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Tänään 26.7 Yli 100€ tilauksesta -10%, vain ovh.hintaiset tuotteet ja maksetut nettitilaukset !


Vortex pumppu

Vortex pumppu

One replacement Vortex Sprayer for the GHE rainforest systems.

The whirling shaft of the Vortex Sprayer creates a powerful vortex that doesn't just stir and lift nutrients from the reservoirs ground,
but also oxygenates as it evenly distributes nutrients and oxygen to plant scions, cuttings and root systems.
This powerful system ensures quicker growth rates and higher crop yields because it enables a faster, more consistent.

220 V
26,5 W
For RainForest, RainForest 236 and RainForest 318

  Äänekoski/Nettikauppa   (3)

  Myymälä Oulu   (0)

175.00€ sis. alv
Lisää ostoskoriin

One replacement Vortex Sprayer for the GHE rainforest systems.

The whirling shaft of the Vortex Sprayer creates a powerful vortex that doesn't just stir and lift nutrients from the reservoirs ground,
but also oxygenates as it evenly distributes nutrients and oxygen to plant scions, cuttings and root systems.
This powerful system ensures quicker growth rates and higher crop yields because it enables a faster, more consistent.

220 V
26,5 W
For RainForest, RainForest 236 and RainForest 318

Anna pisteet


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